Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Prez. Obama

Ok, so it has been almost 4 months, How is President Obama doing so far?? Explain your answer.


Anonymous said...

I think the president is at least trying and so far everything has been positive. There are still some out there hoping he fails. If we look at the last month things are starting to happen and we need to pay attention to the details (fine print)"Get Into Action" Be bold take a stand for truth.
Leroy Ripley
Community Activist

Anonymous said...

He is doing everything that he can do to fix the wrong that Prez. Bush done. He is on the right track and I believe he will get the job done. It has only been 4 months and I already fell a little bit of hope again.

Anonymous said...

I am so very proud of President Obama. Everytime I turn around he seems to be tackling an issue to help the working class people. I want to make sure that I am helping any way that I can to make sure he succeeds. I am afraid that non supporters are working even harder to make sure he doesn't succeed, but my family pray for his success daily!!

Anonymous said...

100 days and counting.
Good job Mr. President

Anonymous said...

100 days and counting
Good Job Mr. President

Anonymous said...

President Obama has done a fantastic job up to this point. He has had to deal with the worst economy since the Great depression, an energy crisis, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and our neighbors to the south, to include Chavez. The North Korean's, Russians sailing near our borders and the collapse of banks and the car industry. But we still have hope, give him an A.

Leroy Ripley , AATFC said...

Ten months today Oct 20th. The president is on the one no matter how hard others try to trip him up. Keep our support going for him in our communities . Stay focused and meet our goals.