Sunday, August 24, 2008

Light or Dark???

Do you think that light-skinned black men have any advantages over dark-skinned black men? Explain.


Anonymous said...

There shouldn't be and of course that would depend on what woman is checking. I am a black male not light or dark just a black male. We come in all hues (shades) but it is what's in our minds. Maturity and intellect blinds the color difference. Check out our mind's.
Leroy Ripley

Anonymous said...

To be more specific, Dyson has a brother serving a life sentence in prison. Dyson says because he himself was a "curly haired litte yellow Negro" that he was afforded more opportunity than his dark skinned little brother. The differences in how they were treated may have led him to attend college and his brother to go to prison.

Anonymous said...

Light or dark, rich or poor, tall or short are all discreptions that chain our minds. We are more than conquerers when properly motivated. There are a lot of successful dark skinned brothers. We have more opportunities today than ever, but are not taking advantage of them as we should. We should be lenders not borrowers.

Anonymous said...

Yes, there is definitely a distinction when it comes to skin color. Unfortunately,when one is born into an Anglo-Saxon society that is dominated by Caucasian males then the darker your skin color is usually results in more racial discrimination than a lighter skinned person would experience. This explains why many of our ancestors in the early 20th century "passed" themselves as belonging to the Caucasian class to make their life easier.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately there may be some truth to this. Probably left over from slavery when slave masters would intentional cause friction and tension between the field slaves and the house slaves

Anonymous said...

I feel sometimes it may be in the mind. when you feel you are always a victim, you will start to act like one. As a mother of a mid-dark skin male, I have taught him to love God and himself first, and that he is the chooser of his choses. We need to continue to teach our young males self love, motivation, and be a positive role model of a victor and not a victim. And as a woman, there is nothing like a chocalate drop!!!