Sunday, October 26, 2008

Qualified for Vice President ??

Who is more qualified to be Vice-President of the United States; Sarah Palin or Joe Biden??
Explain your answer.


Anonymous said...

Joe Biden, because he has more experience, and Mrs. Palin seems to be real out there. She really doesnt know how bad that the USA is in.

Anonymous said...

This is a no brainer. She reminds me of a flower child of the 60's. I don't believe she understands the real importance of the position. Senator Biden has been around the block a few times and I believe he will be a good compliment to president Obama. Ooops.

Anonymous said...

Palin has no qualifications whatsoever. She has only been the governor of Alaska for less than 2yrs. Alaska's entire population is only 683,000. Must be slim pick'ins up there.
McCain picked her because she is a woman. He thought he would get the Hillary vote. He obviously didnt check her out correctly because she was already being investigated for ethics violations in Alaska. Alaska's main newspaper has endorsed OBAMA. McCain gambled by choosing her and she is going to cost him the election.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden. I am resentful that McCain and his party thought that women would vote for her just because of her gender. It is insulting and suggests that
Obama's support amoung minorities and women is only because if his race. Maybe after this election politicians will take the public more seriously and see that we can think for ourselves and determine the best candidate. Sarah Palin will set women back over 100 years with her attitudes and positions on the real issues. Oboma scored 100% on the measure that looks at a candidates positions on women's rights. Palin scored 0%.


Anonymous said...

Flower child of the sixties? There ain't NOTHIN' peaceful about that woman. She and her running mate essentially talk down to America with their 'now don't go worryin' about it we got it covered' responses to any questions about issues or concerns, she's taking her advice from someone who got their intro into celebrity by appearing on a reality show, and she's dumber than a box of rocks when it comes to government, government programs and policies, and the government's role relevant to the people.

Biden all the way when it comes to a VP. Obama all the way when it comes to the Pres. My family can't take even another year of BushCo style government.