Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Is there still a need for Historically Black Colleges & Universities and the United Negro College Fund ?? Explain your answer.


Unknown said...

Absolutely, there is so much youth can receive by being immersed in the culture of an HBCU. My experience was a greater degree of intimacy with students at the college. I also feel the commitment on the part of the faculty is deeper. I have attended both an HBCU and other colleges.

UNCF definitely, it gives people of color an opportunity to give and benefit from their donation.

Anonymous said...

UNCF and HBCU's let's call them by name, my saving grace, I'm in the game. You ask if there's really a need, Life is hard I've got mouths to feed. Where do we turn when we feel so out of place. We need self esteem/role models from the African American Race. But we have jobs and every thing is very nice. But to sacrifice our history is quite a price.