Thursday, October 16, 2008

Presidential Affliations

What part (if any) does a presidential candidate's personal associations play in whether or not he is able to serve honestly and effectively. For example his friends, business associates, church ties, and civic organizations. Explain your answer.


Anonymous said...

I think it does make a small difference because whether you like it or not a person is known by the company he keeps. why would a person associate with certain person unless they had simular traits? Mona D

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately you're right . Anything you have in your past usually does come back to haunt you. I wish man was more like God and let your past stay there in the past.Once in the public your life good or bad is an open book.
All we can do is pray.

Anonymous said...

I do think there is some merit to holding ourselves accountable to who we have as associates, however by the time a person has enough background and experience to run for president there is no way he/she has not encountered a few unsavaory folks along the way. When our world is so full of violence, economic problems and children without good food-healthcare- assess to education a man's friends seem unimportant. We must always remember to view the whole person and not focus only at one or two negative aspects of the personality. We ALL have a couple of things that are less than desireable. I really think our nation is more inclined to focus on these superficial issues when things are going well. I doubt President Clinton's personal sex life would have been a big issue in todays horrible political mess. I only hope and pray that this mess we are in will help folks to focus on what is important and not personal.